God designed human beings a little less than the angels. Throughout the Bible, we find good and wise women that followed God’s will. We also find disobedient women with consequences in their life. As women, we want to help other women to make the right choices in life, we want to help them find the way to prepare themselves for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Dios diseñó a los seres humanos un poco menor que a los ángeles. En la Biblia encontramos a mujeres buenas y sabias que siguieron la voluntad de Dios. También encontramos mujeres desobedientes con consecuencias en sus vidas. Como mujeres, queremos ayudar a otras mujeres a que tomen las mejores deciciones en la vida, queremos ayudarles a encontrar el camino para prepararse para el reino de los cielos.
The mission of the women’s ministries department is to uplift the crucified and risen Savior by empowering women to use their God-given gifts and talents for His glory in their homes, their churches, and their communities. To facilitate this objective, the women’s ministries department is a resource for the conferences and the local churches. Training is available to the local conferences and churches in women’s ministries leadership, Heart Call reclaiming ministry, and women’s ministries leadership certification.
